Rank 1 Composition: Remove Limits, Add "Tracks" 20 (2024)


Being able to play musical instruments and actually create your own songs is one of the most wonderful things in Mabinogi. It adds another layer of personalization and fun for people, especially ones who actually love playing instruments in real life! Whenever I see my game character play the music I just improvised, it gives me a feeling of happiness and satisfaction. It is basically my "fantasy life", just like Mabinogi advertised. Music is both an art and an expression of one's thoughts, feelings, and even identity. There are many different musical styles in the world, and there sure are a lot of musical instruments, both traditional and digital, in today's era.

One thing that I would love to improve in the music system of Mabinogi is the removal of the limitation of how many notes a music score can hold, upon reaching Rank 1 in the Composition skill. As of right now, you can only really write short average tempo songs in the game. The more notes a song you're writing has, the shorter the music that can be made because of the note limitations. If you want a long song, then you're going to be limited to very very veeeerrryyy slow ballad types of music (which still usually can't fit in one score!). The only other way around this is by using a certain special score called
"Jabchiel's Music Score" from the Musical Math Dungeon, but then again, the only thing it does is it allows you to put three music scores that it can play in the order you placed it. That is still very restrictive and songs that have a lot of notes in them are still going to suffer from the limitation.

In my personal opinion, reaching Rank 1 Composition deserves the special ability to be able to write music scrolls that can last until whenever your song ends. If the song you're writing lasts 10 minutes in real life, then it should be the same in the game.

Another aspect of the music system that I would love to see improved is the ability to have 4 or more notes to be played at the same time, as in chords. This is most especially true for the game's piano! It just feels so limiting to always have to worry about only hitting 3 notes at the same time, otherwise Mabinogi's music system won't be able to handle it. In the composition screen, Melody is one note, Harmony 1 is one note, Harmony 2 is one note, Song is probably another note that I haven't tried yet. Yet, even with those 4, the best it could do is play a single chord. But in music, depending on your style as a musician, chords are usually hit all at once while the melody is being played. Let's say on the piano, you want to play an Fm7 chord on your left hand while your right plays the melody and extra chords as well? You currently can't do that in Mabinogi. There are many times in music where you play 6, 7, or maybe even 8 (or higher) notes all at once. In short, Mabinogy's "Melody, Harmony 1, Harmony 2, and Song" are not enough because you can consider them each as one note, not the actual meaning of real life melody and chords.

My proposal is to allow up to 20 notes to be played all at once. Majority of the time in real life on the piano, you won't be playing 10 notes all at once with all of your 10 fingers. The reason why I propose 20 notes is just for good measure. There are times, let's say in jazz or rock and roll piano, where the pianist uses his entire arm or even the elbow to hit notes. Look at this great late pianist named Bobby Enriquez, he actually pounds on the piano, bashes it, chops it, slaps it like a drum. That's a unique style to him that became his trademark and he was called the "Wild Man" of jazz due to his style.

Rank 1 Composition: Remove Limits, Add "Tracks" 20 (1)

If Mabinogi's music system allowed at least 20 notes to be played at once, there would be more players who are musically inclined to be more adventurous and explore music even more within the game! Musical players would be able to make awesome tunes like that without having to worry about note limitations!

Anyway, here's a sample of how I try to make music in Mabinogi. You might notice I'll sometimes start improvising a tune as I want it to sound, but because of Mabinogi's limitations, I have to tone it down, reduce the number of chords and sounds used and it still isn't enough to put one complete song onto a music score Rank 1 Composition: Remove Limits, Add "Tracks" 20 (2) I wish that someday, Mabinogi would remove the limitations in the amount of notes a music score can have, as well as have up to 20 "tracks" or different notes or polyphony that can be played at once.


Rank 1 Composition: Remove Limits, Add "Tracks" 20 (3)

Rank 1 Composition: Remove Limits, Add "Tracks" 20 (2024)


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.