Milk & Mocha: Our Little Happiness (2025)


1,961 reviews3,366 followers

July 20, 2023

In a Nutshell: Adorable, especially for fans of these characters, though it has universal appeal.

I had seen these two bears many times in GIFs, but because of my not being an avid webtoons reader, I never knew that they are quite popular characters named Milk and Mocha from the webcomic @milkmochabear by Indonesian comic creator Melani Sie. When I saw this title on NetGalley, I requested it only because I loved the GIFs. Knowing them through this work has been fun!

This is a collection of some cute little comics and mini-stories featuring Mocha – a brown bear who is somewhat introverted and reserved, Milk – a white bear who is hyperactive and bubbly all the time, and their pet dino Matcha, who has a strong personality that is inversely proportional to his size.

Milk and Mocha are opposite in nature, though they share a love for the movies, food and sleep. Milk is akin to a loveable puppy, while Mocha is more like a silent cat. I was reading this comic with my younger one for company, so we had a fun time discussing who was more like Milk and who was like Mocha. (Apparently, I am grumpy Mocha’s twin. Oh well! I do love to read as much as Mocha does, so I will accept this comparison graciously.)

Most of the comics in this book depict the strong bond the two bears have with each other, even when they don’t agree on something. A couple of the themes felt repetitive, but overall, this was a heartwarming comic collection.

The backstory of how Milk and Mocha met is also present in the book, albeit right at the end of the book. I would have preferred this to be somewhere towards the start as it explains why Mocha never spoke. Until then, I couldn’t figure out why he communicated only through his tablet.

The relationship between the two bears is not openly specified, except for the fact that they are in love. Their gender is also not clarified. This leaves their relationship wonderfully open to interpretation.

The illustrations are as adorable as you can see from the cover. All the three characters are sketched with a kawaii quality that renders them so sweetly enchanting.

My little one and I enjoyed this delightful comic. We smiled, we laughed, we even went “Awww!” a couple of times. If you want a charming graphic novel comic to relax with, this is a lovely option. The physical copy even has stickers included.

4 stars.

My thanks to Andrews McMeel Publishing and NetGalley for the DRC of “Milk & Mocha: Our Little Happiness”. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.

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    4-stars graphic-novel netgalley


66 reviews37 followers

May 29, 2024

Have you ever wanted to curl up with a book that feels like a warm hug? These charming comics follow the everyday adventures of two adorable bear friends, Milk and Mocha, as they navigate life together.

📍 Graphic Novel - Slice of Life
📍 Opposites Attract
📍 Cute and Simple Art Style
📍 Everyday Moments
📍 Humor and Heartwarming Scenes

Lovable Characters and Relatable Moments
I was immediately drawn to the adorable and expressive characters. Milk, the lively white bear, and Mocha, the thoughtful brown bear, have distinct personalities that complement each other perfectly. Their interactions are filled with the kind of genuine affection that reminds me of the special moments I share with my own loved ones.

Finding Joy in the Little Things
One of the things I love most about this book is how it celebrates the beauty of everyday moments. Milk and Mocha's adventures encourage me to appreciate the little things in life that often go unnoticed. From sharing a laugh to a comforting hug, these stories provide a dose of positivity and love that we all need.

A Breath of Fresh Air
In a world that can sometimes feel overwhelming, Milk & Mocha: Our Little Happiness is like a breath of fresh air. These charming comics are a heartwarming reminder of the power of love, friendship, and finding joy in the everyday.

Angel (Hiatus)

73 reviews54 followers

April 10, 2023

Entertaining and super cute🧸.

Milk n Mocha.
I wish I had someone like Mocha; they are opposite in everything, but I think that makes them right for each other.

They communicate even better than an actual (human) couple. If every guy is like Mocha, trust me, I will get married at a young age.

It took me half the book to get that Mocha cannot speak (mute); I kept wondering why he held a blackboard and turned out he's mute. But it doesn't matter; he's still great husband material.

Thank you NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing, for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I read that the author is from Indonesia, which is my country. So I want to say something for her.

Halo kak Melani Sie it is good to read one of your works, semangat terus yah kak dalam berkarya. I'm proud of you as Indonesian. Kedepannya semoga bisa lebih banyak lihat karya-karya kakak. God Bless U.


    3-stars arc-netgalley-2023 f-comic

destiny ♡ howling libraries

1,884 reviews6,119 followers

August 16, 2023

This was absolutely adorable. ♥ I wish there was more dialogue, as some of the comics didn't make a ton of sense without any context for what exactly was going on, but for the most part, it wasn't needed. It's just a cute, cozy little comic strip about two characters in love, creating their own little bubble of safety and happiness with their new pet dinosaur Matcha, and it's precious. Absolutely a warm hug in a book and it made me want to cuddle up with my family and never let them go. 🥰

Thank you to the publisher for the review copy! All thoughts are honest and my own.

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    adult graphics humor

Fátima Linhares

660 reviews230 followers

November 30, 2023

Happiness can be the littlest, the simplest, and the silliest things that may seem underwhelming to others, but they can put a smile on your face and keep you going.

Este livro deixa-me, de facto, a sorrir. ☺️

Ankit Saxena

598 reviews215 followers

April 2, 2024

I really fell in love with this comics. At most points this reminds me of my younger brother who always, still, tries to provoke me for doing something I do not prefer and to not do what I do like most.

Milk is Annoying but equally cute, loveable, adorable. LOL.

Making faces while clicking photos..
In sound and silence..
In good or bad (weather or situation)..
Speak when no one listens..
Horror movies (well that scary part is me, he is so brave)..
Feeling tired when asked anything to do (but eventually he does everything, literally, as being told)..
Unnecessary distubances, specially when I read..
But he do care when I become ill..
My weird photos in his phone and vice-versa ;) [ though he had many of mine :( ]..
When he is full but when I offer his favorites he is always empty stomach..
Want to cook when we stayed away from home together for job but made me do all..
Peeking in my phone..
He mostly sleeps in end whenever we decided to watch any movie..

And such way there are many moments, so uncountable ones, that we shared together, same way I found MILK & MOCHA.

My NetGalley reviews

    2023 adult animals


2,057 reviews127 followers

March 22, 2024

Managed to read one thing today.. stomach virus can kiss 💋 my butt. 👌

This was very cute, I'd vaguely heard of this but somehow didn't get around to checking it out.

This would be a good one to gift someone who needs cheering up and some cuteness 😍.

Will probably look up more later but not high priority.


236 reviews6 followers

April 22, 2024

(Re-read the hardcover again 😍😍😍)

These little comic strips were so adorable and oh-so-cuuuuute 😭😭😭😭😍😍😍😍😍

If you've seen and loved the Milk-Mocha GIFs and/or Stickers online, you would love this comics collection too. It would hardly take 20-25 mins of your time and it'll be worth it!!

    comics-graphic-novels favorites hardcopy-owned

Reading_ Tamishly

5,195 reviews3,193 followers

April 9, 2023

I feel like a human again reading this collection.

Yes, that’s everything I have to say about this book. Okay, I am running away to read the original series!

See you soon!

Thank you, Andrews McMeel, for the advance reading copy.

Larka Fenrir

395 reviews33 followers

July 13, 2023

What does happiness mean to you?

For half an hour, the time spent with this book! Its comics were so cute and relatable, I couldn't do anything but thinking about my significant other.

    fiction netgalley


172 reviews94 followers

March 20, 2024

Such a cute little cinnamon roll of happy comics! Great for reading in between books as it's fairly short and gives your brain a little break before jumping into that next book on your TBR. Recommend for all ages as it's just sweet slice of life moments.


1,163 reviews176 followers

May 8, 2023

Honestly, what more could you want from the sweetest and cutest bear couple out there? Milk and Mocha: Our Little Happiness collects a bunch of comics of the bear pair into something that is an instant serotonin boost if you need it. The little comic showing how they met was a nice addition as well.

I think if you don't already enjoy Milk & Mocha but you like cute things or simply need a happy boost, this comic collection is definitely worth it.

Milk & Mocha: Our Little Happiness will be out in July 2023, thanks to NetGalley for the e-ARC!

    arc comics


13.6k reviews412 followers

July 31, 2023

I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

I absolutely LOVE Milk & Mocha, so I was excited to see a whole collection of this cute comic on Netgalley. This I had to get!

In this book we follow Milk (a white bear/ice bear) and Mocha (a brown bear) and their lives together. These two are very much in love and we get to see their daily lives with plenty of adorable and cute scenes that made me just go aww so many times. From yummy food, to cute messages, to fun times watching shows. I loved seeing their daily lives and see how adorable they are together. I have to say that I was already sharing these with my hubby (they are perfect as they are so sweet) when I spy them on Twitter, but I have to share even more now with this cute book. I am considering buying the book for him!

And a lot of things are relatable. Yes, I am not a bear, my hubby is quite a bear, but also not a bear. XD Like how Milk flops on Mocha’s lap after a tiring day. Or how one kiss is indeed not enough. Or that one comic that Milk has a big big scary nightmare and wakes up, all startled, then turns to Mocha and clings to them and all is well. I do that as well when I have had a scary dream. And there were more, it was just so cute and so fun.

A lot of the scenes in this book are without words, which works very well because you can clearly see and understand the situation just from the illustrations. Plus, it also works since Mocha cannot speak and communicates solely by signs, like by a tablet.

I loved that we met Matcha, an appropriately named little dragon-like creature that is all green (well, except his spikes, those are yellow). Matcha is a bit of a handful at times, they really seem to love Milk the most. At times I felt a bit for Mocha because they try and Matcha is just growly or angry at them. I am happy that as the story continues we see things mellow out a bit more.

And I am totally happy that we got to see a story about how these two met! SOOOO CUTE!

All in all, are you in the need for something adorable? Love slice of life? Love some cute bears doing cute things? Grab this one~

Review first posted at

    4-5-twinkling-stars away-laughing-on-a-fast-camel comics-graphic-novels


285 reviews15 followers

April 23, 2023


I want to start off by saying this comic was super cute and I loved the art style! The characters were silly and relatable. I absolutely adored them. The structure of the book was where things fell a little bit flat for me. It didn’t feel like there was much flow between the pages/stories and I found myself a little confused. I think I would have enjoyed the story of the two meeting at the beginning of the book rather than the end. Overall I would still love to read more about them but perhaps with more of a story and a clearer understanding of what was going on! Thank you so much for providing me with an ARC through NetGalley.

    2023-reads arcs graphic-novels

Jen (Finally changed her GR pic)

3,050 reviews27 followers

September 4, 2023

This was TOTES ADORBS!! (SQUEAL!!) This was such a nice pick-me-up.

I 100% recommend this to anyone who is having a blue day. Though it helps if you can link the bears to you and yours. I'm mostly the white bear in this, tee hee!

5, this is too cute for words and I absolutely LOVED it, stars.

My thanks to NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for an eARC copy of this book to read and review.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

    arc from-publisher netgalley

Sadie (Taylor’s Version)

5 reviews3 followers

May 31, 2023

“What does happiness mean to you?” This book. I cried tears of joy throughout. I want what milk and mocha have.

Fizah(Books tales by me)

665 reviews66 followers

May 21, 2023


Illustration is so adorable. This is reserve and clingy trope which was cute.

    2023-read netgalley


1,292 reviews1,156 followers

April 29, 2024

Sometimes you just want to read a cute comic about two bears and their pet dino and just be amused. I've seen their GIFs around so I thought this would be more of a coherent story than just random slice-of-life moments (even though that's exactly what it says in the description that I ended up reading after the comicbook uhh).

Still, this was so 🥹 and I just love Milk and Mocha's opposing personalities with Mocha being a mute homebody and Milk being hyperactive and so talkative. Didn't think I'd be finding myself relating to a bear on a random weekend but I'll take it, heh.

As a sidenote, I did have a bit of a hard time following a few of the panels due to the lack of context but oh well.

    a-love-like-this comic-zoned let-me-give-you-a-hug-or-a-100


180 reviews2 followers

March 5, 2024


Cherlynn | cherreading

1,851 reviews989 followers

July 9, 2023

Soooo cute and adorbs! I dare you to pick this up and not smile.

Honestly I was skeptical at the start and didn't get every single comic, especially since the text is minimal. But Milk & Mocha just grew on me. Their relationship is so sweet and I loved the meet-cute. There's just something so precious about them and this collection.

A quick and lovely read that will warm you right up!

Thank you Andrews McMeel Publishing for the Netgalley ARC.



38 reviews

March 7, 2024

Why soooo cute!? 😍♥️

This was sweet, funny and wholesome! ❤️✨

"Happiness can be the littlest, the simplest, and the silliest things that may seem underwhelming to others, but they can put a smile on your face and keep you going." ❣️


248 reviews8 followers

April 25, 2023

“when i am with you, even silence feels comfortable”

i was elated to see that the webcomic @milkmochabear has a little book ❤️

this book was delightfully sweet and cute. i needed a small smile today, and this book definitely delivered. i follow melani sie’s art and i was pleasantly surprised to read this book. obviously, she did not fail to impress. her artwork is so cute and heartwrenching, and this little comic was a short yet very cute read.

the backstory was delightful and in every way illuminating. there are some scenes where i can see that melani uses colour theory to portray emotions. mocha and milk have two different personalities where melani draws out perfectly, and the dynamic yet straightforward colours embroider further importance between panels.

also, the little green dinosaur was so cute <3

i also want to address milk and mocha’s relationship. their platonic love and friendship is so sweet, and their chemistry and facial emotions were hilarious yet heartwarming. while this could be a quick read, spending time to look at melani’s work is really eye opening. you can tell she put effort into every panel and how the pictures interact and lay over each other. there aren’t many words, but the illustrations that portray their communication already speaks a lot.

overall, this book was such a cute read and i would love to see more of matcha and milk :)

huge thanks to netgalley for this opportunity to read this little comic

> 5 stars

    5-stars arcs

Feefs ˚♡˚

219 reviews1 follower

June 2, 2023

I wanted to start this review by thanking Netgalley for allowing me to read this book.

I never thought that I would relate to a bear comic in my life LOL

How can you not rate this cartoon book 5 stars? This was so cute and heartwarming. The illustrations were so endearing and I enjoyed every minute of it!

    my-fav netgalley-arcs

Erika Sarutobi

814 reviews29 followers

May 9, 2023


Eram Hussain

414 reviews14 followers

July 31, 2023

This is a collection of some cute little comics and mini-stories featuring Mocha – a brown bear who is somewhat introverted and reserved, Milk – a white bear who is hyperactive and bubbly all the time, and their pet dino Matcha, who has a strong personality that is inversely proportional to his size.
Structurally, the book doesn't follow a linear time lapse. Their beginning, first meeting is actually the end of the book. Even after finishing the book, you don't get a sense of finality, like the story could go on and on in the same vein.

    2023 netgalley


26 reviews6 followers

March 5, 2024

Milk and Mocha are soo effing cute and adorable!!! ❤😍😭

Cuties! 😭❤

nush ❀

582 reviews14 followers

March 27, 2023

Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for an e-arc of this delightful comic collection in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own and not influenced in any way.

this was so hecking adorable. milk and mocha is a collection of moments between (you guessed it) milk and mocha BUT ALSO matcha, their little dinosaur pet who is a ball of cuteness. this made me so happy and giddy. i wish there were milk and mocha squishies that i could own. this was a very creative idea and it's so wholesome and soul soothing. 100% recommend for when you're having a bad day and just want to look at cute, love filled, domestic interactions between these two adorable bears and their lil dino.

Rebecca Crunden

Author26 books659 followers


March 21, 2023

An absolutely adorable, wholesome, cute, feel-good collection of Milk and Mocha's domestic adventures and the joy found in the little moments.

Thank you Netgalley for the review copy.

    cartoons comics graphic-novels


1,149 reviews96 followers

March 23, 2023

This was adorable! I related to a lot of these. I hadn't heard of Milk & Mocha before, so I immediately assumed this was kid related, but it's not. I want to check out the webcomic.

    2023-releases adult all-the-feels


198 reviews1 follower

September 28, 2023

Red flags all around if I give this to a crush and they don’t understand it. Like this is what I crave in a relationship and it has stickers!!

Milk & Mocha: Our Little Happiness (2025)


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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.