Mabinogi Tailoring Life Skill Guide (2024)

Mabinogi Tailoring Life Skill Guideby Chaos

This is Chaos 8D

In the following guide I will attempt to guide you throughTailoring!

– With the introduction of merchant destiny [G15], it is recommend to attempt most like skills with this destiny as it offer 2x training value.
– With the introduction of talent system [G17], Tailoring talent is recommend when attempting this life skill.
– This guide main purpose is to serve only as a guideline when ranking certain life skills. As such, basic info such as method to obtain, novice ranks etc will not be mention in said guide. Refer tohttp://wiki.mabinogiworld.comfor such info.
– It is recommend for one to obtain an exp 2+ tailoring kit.
– I HAVE NOT obtain r1 tailoring as of yet. [Following numbers are obtain via]. I am still certainly r3 tailoring, any rank above that is base solely on knowledge gain from wiki and others.
– All numbers are base on the fact that tailoring talent is being used.

Okay lets start -3-

Tailoring purpose is to allow one to make clothing, light armor, hats, shoes, glove and robes. The skill also gives dex which is why this is a must for those attempting to be an archer. Now tailoring isn’t the cheapest skill to rank, so without further distraction, let start.

– Tailoring DOES NOT support the feature of auto production. Because of this, if one puts more material then require, the skill WILL USE all the material.
– It is recommended to rank weaving in conjunction with this skill or accomplish weaving before attempting this skill.
– It is recommended to have at least 180 dex [to achieve max success rate with dex] before attempt this skill.
– “Very good results” can only be obtain by using patterns that are TWO ranks or above current tailoring rank. [eg. rC can obtain very good results with rA+ patterns]
– “Success” can only be obtain by using patterns that are ONE rank below currently tailoring rank and above it. [eg. rC can obtain success with rD+ pattern]
– “Fails” can be obtain with any pattern rank. But any pattern TWO ranks or below current rank will ALWAYS be consider a “fail” because the pattern became ‘too easy’.
[eg. rC will always failed an rE pattern, but can always fail any other pattern too]
– Before one can ‘finish’ the tailoring item, one have to complete the item to 99.9%.
– One can repeat the first part of the mini game [when click the first X for start] until one is satisfy with the result before dragging the ‘thread’ to the end [o].
– Clicking Start Menu -> All Program -> Accessories -> Ease of Access -> Magnifier to ‘zoom in’ on the mini game if it proves too difficult to accomplish.
– Click here for the list of tailor-able item and the chart of tailoring grades.

*It is possible to use simon, malcome, ailionoa, Legpus and Brenda ptj to rank rF -> r9 then use the jobs to train failing and completion requirements.*
*These ptj starts at 7am and ends at 7pm. One can report at 12 noon for delivery job while tailoring job can report at 5pm.*

*Because Simon ptj is located in dunbarton, which is an area that easy to continent warp to, and allow all race to visit, the follow guide will be base on his series of ptj. However anyone can visit other NPC and accomplish their ptj for training too.*

Simon’s Part Time job breakdown

Hairband – rF
Popo’s Skirt – rF
Wizard Hat – rF
Mongo’s Traveler Suits [F] – rE


Magic School Uniform (M) – rD
Cores Ninja Suit (M) – rD
Cores Healer Dresses – rD
Guardian Gloves – rC


Lirina’s Long Skirts – rB
Mongo’s Hats – rA
Magic School Uniform (F) – rA
Cloth Mails – r9
Light Leather Mail (M) – r8

rF: Aim for any of the tailoring jobs available at simon ptj. Complete success, fails and finish part of the requirements to finish the rank.

– Without reforge
Success [10pts | 50pts]
Fails [4pt | 20pts]
Finishes [6 pts | 45pts]
– With reforge
Success [12pts | 60pts]
Fails [4.8pts | 24pts]
Finishes [7.2pts | 54pts]

rE: Do clothing PTJ. Similar to rE shouldn’t take you too long …

– Without reforge
Success [10pts | 75pts]
Fails [4pts | 30pts]
Finishes g [6pts | 45pts]
– With reforge
Success [12pts | 90pts]
Fails [4.8pts |36pts]
Finishes [7.2pts | 54pts]

*At this point, unlocking int. clothing ptj is recommended*

rD: It be a while before you’ll hit int ptj. So complete fails and finishes while ur attempt to get ur job count up. Once int ptj is unlock, any pattern available can give you success and help you finish the rank.

– Without reforge
Success [8pts | 80pts]
Great success [16pts | 200pts]
Fails [4pts | 30pts]
Finishes [4pts | 40pts]
– With reforge
Success [9.6pts | 96pts]
Great success [19.2pts | 240pts]
Fails [4.8pts | 36pts]
Finishes [4.8pts | 48pts]

rC: Continue doing clothing ptj. As all patterns are rC-rD, success can be obtain from all int. ptj pattern. Without reforge a huge failure is needed to finish the rank though.

– Without reforge
Success [4pts | 64pts]
Fails [1.2pts | 18pts]
Huge fails [1.2pts | 18pts]
Finishes [4pts | 20pts]
– With reforge
Success [4.8pts | 76.8pts]
Fails [1.44pts | 18pts]
Finishes [4.8pts | 24pts]

rB: Hopefully adv ptj isnt too far away because rD patterns will only give fails, while the single rC pattern [Guardian Gloves] can give you success pts but not great success. This rank is quiet similar to rC, except its takes longer to get the correct ptj pattern for success pts. Without reforge, you’ll have to gain ONE great success from an r9 pattern, meaning one have to have adv ptj to finish this rank without using your owe materials.

– Without reforge
Success [4pts | 48pts]
Great Success [8pts | 160pts]
Fails [1.2pts | 15pts]
Huge fails [1.2pts | 15pts]
Finishes [2pts | 20pts]
– With reforge
Success [4.8pts | 76.8pts]
Fails [1.44pts | 18pts]
Finishes [2.4pts | 24pts]

*At this point, unlocking adv. clothing ptj is recommended*

rA: Well after that long long spam to 100 ptj count you can finally gain some success pts. All patterns in adv jobs can give you success pts while only light leather mail can get you great success. To speed up process aim for that pattern.

– Without reforge
Success [3pts | 75pts]
Great success [7.5pts | 150pts]
Fails [1.2pts | 15pts]
Huge fails [1.2pts | 15pts]
Finishes [2pts | 15pts]
– With reforge
Success [1.8pts | 90pts]
Great success [9pts | 180pts]
Fails [1.44pts | 18pts]
Huge fails [1.44pts | 18pts]
Finishes [2.4pts | 18pts]

r9: Your finally at the number ranks and Lirina’s Long Skirts now gives you fails, great success isnt possible anymore and if you don’t have a reforge kit, its gets harder to finish this rank as you’ll lack 5 pts even after finish huge failure [although not recommended]. To gain those last few pts, the cheapest and potentially easiest way is to make Professional Silk Weaving Gloves [r6 and 1 fine fabric per attempt] for great success. Alternatively if you have a reforge kit its possible to finish the rank with a few huge failures after completing success, failures and finishes.

– Without reforge
Success [2pts | 60pts]
Great success [5pts | 150pts]
Fails [1pts | 15pts]
Huge fails [1pts | 15pts]
Finishes [1pts | 5pts]
– With reforge
Success [2.4pts | 72pts]
Fails [1.2pts | 18pts]
Huge fails [1.2pts | 18pts] [4 huge failures]
Finishes [1.2pts | 6pts]

r8: Clothing ptj can still net you some success pts, but its sooo limited now. The only 2 patterns that can get you success is Cloth Mails[r9] and Light Leather Mails [r8]. So aim at getting those for success while other patterns for failures. Similar to R9, this rank requires one to make PSW Gloves [r6] to finish the rank. Alternatively if you have a reforge kit its possible to finish the rank with a few huge failures after completing success, failures and finishes.

– Without reforge
Success [2pts | 60pts]
Great success [5pts | 200pts]
Fails [1pts | 15pts]
Huge fails [1pts | 15pts]
Finishes [1pts | 5pts]
– With reforge
Success [2.4pts | 72pts]
Fails [1.2pts | 18pts]
Huge fails [1.2pts | 18pts] [4 huge failures]
Finishes [1.2pts | 6pts]

r7: You’ve reach the first hell rank. Clothing ptj now only has one single pattern that give success and that’s Light Leather Mails [r8]. Professional Silk Weaving Gloves doesn’t give great success anymore so the next easiest thing to make would be Bone Marine Armor [menswear]. Common fabric can be bought from any general store. King Crab can be bought from Cadoc for 8,530 g and in turn can be made into King Crab shell with cooking. This method only has 44% success rate per attempt and cost about 30k if one makes their owe common silk.
Alternatively, if market price of finest fabric, silk and leather is lower it can be cheaper to make Cores’ Thief Suit instead for great success, [3750g is used per attempt + value of each material] with a 36% success rate]

– Without reforge
Success [0.5pts | 30pts]
Great success [4pts | 240pts]
Fails [0.5pts | 15pts]
Huge fails [0.5pts | 15pts]
Finishes [0.5pts | 12.5pts]
About 11 great success is require if no huge fails is achieved.
– With reforge
Success [0.6pts | 36pts]
Great success [4.8pts | 288pts]
Fails [0.6pts | 18pts]
Huge fails [0.6pts | 18pts]
Finishes [0.6pts | 15pts]
About 7 great success is require if no huge fails is achieved

r6: Yup clothing ptj is officially useless except for achieving free completion and failures … or spam for huge failures. Professional Silk Weaving Gloves is the cheapest method of obtaining success, aim for the minimum amount of great success before finishing all failures, success and finishes to complete the rank.

– Without reforge
Success [0.5pts | 35pts]
Great success [3pts | 175pts]
Fails [0.5pts | 15pts]
Huge fails [0.5pts | 15pts]
Finishes [0.5pts | 12.5pts]
A minimum of 13 great success is require to finish the rank.
– With reforge
Success [0.6pts | 42pts]
Great success [3.6pts | 210pts]
Fails [0.6pts | 18pts]
Huge fails [0.6pts | 18pts]
Finishes [0.6pts | 15pts]
A minimum of 7 great success is require to finish the rank.

Cores’ Thief Suit vs PSW Gloves…
[spoiler] Since the pt value of success is lower dramatically, its can be cheaper to aim solely for great success then completing all the success and aim for the minimum amount of great success. To figure out which is cheaper simply do this:

Core’ Thief Suit Pattern: 112500g
30 attempts : 15k~24k [value of total mats per attempt]: 450k~720k [cost may vary]
total: 562500g~832500g* [cost may vary, this is an estimated cost]

PSW gloves Pattern: 5k per pattern
30 attempts : 5k~7k : 150k~210k per pattern [cost may vary]
Total : 150.5k~210.5k [cost may vary, this is an estimated cost]

30 attempt at CTS vs 120 attempts of PSW
With this current example, making PSW Gloves is cheaper and safer then making CTS. As a success from making CTS isnt always a great success + the only way CTS is cheaper is to obtain more great success [12+ great success] then all success which is risker as it require luck to accomplish.

r5: The difficulty of tailoring suddenly jump by 4 folds. Bone Marine Armor doesn’t give great success any more so making Cores’ Thief Suit the cheapest way now. Success gives so little but can be cheaper then aiming only at great success. Wish yourselves luck as you spam for great success … as luck is the only difference between spamming for great success or success with PSW Gloves.

– Without reforge
Success [0.14pts | 42pts]
Great success [1.4pts | 210pts]
Fails [0.08pts | 12pts]
Huge fails [0.08pts | 12pts]
Finishes [0.2pts | 5pts]
Aim for 29 great success or aim for 59 great success if your not aiming for success counts.
– With reforge
Success [0.168pts | 50.4pts]
Great success [1.68pts | 210pts]
Fails [0.096pts | 18pts]
Huge fails [0.096pts | 18pts]
Finishes [0.24pts | 6pts]
Aim for 15 great success or aim for 45 great success if your not aiming for success counts.

r4: This is the point where success is simply way too expensive to obtain anymore and you’ll have to make High Class Leather Armor [r1 – 2 finest fabric, 3 finest silk and 4 finest leather].
Alternatively one can make vivid casual shoe [r2 – 4 fine leather, 3 braids: pattern is obtain from Guardian of Partholon]
Continue doing simon ptj for finish and failures. Aim for great success unless your not willing to risk your luck for more great success, you can continue making CTS for regular success [as it require less mats, has a lower chance of failure and isn’t base on luck].

– Without reforge
Success [0.14pts | 42pts]
Great success [1.4pts | 252pts]
Fails [0.08pts | 24pts]
Huge fails [0.08pts | 24pts]
Finishes [0.2pts | 14pts]
Minimum 14 great success is need to finish the rank.
– With reforge
Success [0.168pts | 50.4pts]
Great success [1.68pts | 252pts]
Fails [0.096pts | 28.8pts]
Huge fails [0.096pts | 28.8pts]
Finishes [0.24pts | 16.8pts]
Minimum of 3 great success is require to finish the rank.

r3: Well last rank you’ll be making high class leather armor. Make high class leather armor for great success while CTS for success. This rank is almost the same as r4, just 2x the material needed to finish this rank + infinitely more luck if your aiming for great success…
Alternatively you can brionac your way through r3 by first finish all fails, finish and enough success to use brionac. Although his method is faster and cheaper it would require more ap to make his happen. Minimum of 225 success [/w merc] is require to use brionac.

– Without reforge
Success [0.08pts | 60pts]
Great success [0.7pts | 105pts]
Fails [0.04pts | 30pts]
Finishes [0.1pts | 10pts]
7 brionac uses or 14 dura of brionac is need to finish the rank if one uses the 2nd method.
– Without reforge
Success [0.096pts | 72pts] [460 success to finsh the rank]
Great success [0.84pts | 126pts]
Fails [0.048pts | 36pts]
Finishes [0.12pts | 12pts]
5 brionac uses or 10 dura of brionac is need to finish the rank if one uses the 2nd method.

r2LAST RANK LAST RANK 8D, you should be proud of yourself. You made it here at long last -3- … Now r2 doesn’t have great success requirement anymore, so the only thing one can do is aim for failures, finish and success. 1600 fails, 250 finishes then spam CTS for the rest of the pts, or use brionac to finish the rank once 360 success is obtain.

– Without reforge
Success [0.1pts | 60pts] [480 success is require to finish the rank if no huge failure is obtained]
Fails [0.04pts | 32pts]
Finishes [0.1pts | 20pts]
4 brionac uses or 8 dura worth is require to finish the rank.
– Without reforge
Success [0.12pts | 72pts] [314 success is require to finish the rank if no huge failures is obtained]
Fails [0.048pts | 38.4pts]
Finishes [0.096pts | 24pts]
3 brionac uses or 6 dura worth is require to finish the rank. less fails/finishes is require to complete this rank.


now aim for master 8D

– Get exp 2 reforge kit or be prepare to do great success early, waste more money, materials, time and lose a bit of sanity attempt it.
– Do clothing ptj until success cant be obtain [r6]. Then do them only for finishes, failures and spamming for huge failures.
– Make Professional Silk Weaving Gloves from r9/r8-r6/5
– Make Bone Marine Armor [Menswear] from r7-r6 or Cores’ Thief Suit from r7-r5
– Make High Class Leather Armor or Vivid Casual Shoe if u can obtain the pattern r4-r3
– Or Make Cores’ Thief Suit from r3-r2 until u can use brionac to finish the rank.
– Make Cores’ Thief Suit for r2 [+fails, completion, and maybe brionac a few times] until you hit r1!!!

Mabinogi Tailoring Life Skill Guide (2024)


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